A Google spokeswoman in Madrid said in a statement that the “company coincides its tax responsibility in Spain and in all countries where it operates”. She also added that they are cooperating with the authorities as well. The Superior Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) of Spain said in a note that “The Court of the Administrative Litigation No. 29 of Madrid has authorized the entry into the residence in the Madrid headquarters of Google International Group following a request from the Tax Office”. Last month, the headquarters of the several multinational companies which were established in France, including Google, were filed for alleged tax deception. The French Finance Minister Michel Sapin said that “after the records that the government would do everything possible things to ensure that multinationals operating on their territory pay their taxes properly”. The tech giant Google, the world’s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants McDonalds and other multinationals like Starbucks are also under increasing pressure in Europe by the governments and public persuasion, who oppose of the way exploit its presence worldwide to minimize the taxes they actually pay the Government. As we all know that the Google is a part of Alphabet Inc, and it pays few taxes in most of the Europe, as reported almost all its sales in Ireland. As this happens due to the loophole in international tax law. The raid in Paris was intended to confirm whether the tech giant Google has a permanent base in Ireland or not, but now, the firm was observing with their tax debts.