Michael-Paul Kidd

She-Hulk Episode 8 Recap

In the last episode, we learned that the man Jen was seeing, Josh, was secretly a member of the She-Hulk hating forum on the Intellegencia. After spending the night with her, he copied data from her phone and then ghosted her. It’s also important to mention that Jen is a client of Luke Jacobson, an exclusive, high-end tailor who caters to superheroes. He is currently working on a dress that Jen can wear as She-Hulk to the Southern California Law Awards where she will accept her award for Female Lawyer of the Year. Caught up? Great.

Enter: Leap-Frog

The episode opens up at night with two capers in the middle of a parking lot stealing flat-screen TVs. Their plans are thwarted… sort of, when Leap-Frog bursts on the scene with a joke about him being the Guard-Frog. He’s wearing a green suit with a green helmet that looks almost like someone fashioned an old astronaut’s helmet to look like a frog’s head. He attempts to dazzle and intimidate the thugs with acrobatics that are less than stunning. The thugs then proceed to stomp all over him which is when the Leap-Frog tries to make his escape. He yells his signature catchphrase, ‘Ribbit and Rip it!’ and activates his rocket boots. He launches in the air only for them to malfunction, sending him hard onto the concrete in a ball of fire. It should be noted that Leap-Frog was not a gag character made purely for this show. He made his first appearance in the Daredevil comic way back in 1966. Foreshadowing??

She-Hulk Is On the Case… Reluctantly

At the office, Leap-Frog AKA Eugene Patillo pleads his case to Jen Walters in her She-Hulk form. He says that his suit malfunctioned and it was supposed to be fireproof. She-Hulk agrees that there is grounds to sue the maker of the suit and that’s when Patillo explains that the maker of the suit is none other than Luke Jacobson. She-Hulk begs her boss, Mr. Holliway to not make her represent Leap-Frog in court. She explains that she would have an emotional conflict since she is one of Jacobson’s clients. More than that, she doesn’t want to upset Jacobson for fear that he won’t design for her any longer. Holliway basically says too bad. Leap-Frog’s father is an important client and they need to keep him happy. (Fun fact: Patillo Senior is also in Marvel Comic canon as Frog-Man.) Holliway goes on to suggest the She-Hulk could urge Jacobson to settle out of court to forego a messy trial.

Jacobson Ain’t Having It

Jen goes to Jacobson’s workshop where he works on her dress for the gala. Ever the diva, Jacobson is highly insulted that Jen and her client would accuse him of doing faulty work. He says that he would never do anything less than exceptional. Not only would he not settle out of court, but he was blacklisting Jen from his work. He proceeds to tear up She-Hulk’s dress in front of her.

See You In Court

Next, we see She-Hulk sitting next to her client, Eugene Patillo AKA Leap-Frog in court. At the other table, Jacobson sits, seemingly, prepared to represent himself in court. She-Hulk is confident that the win was in the bag. In walks a certain blind lawyer, Matt Murdock. Matt Murdock is played by Charlie Cox who played Murdock, AKA Daredevil in the hit Netflix series. Cox had previously reprised his role as Murdock in Spider-Man: No Way Home, but this was still a very welcome surprise. Murdock and She-Hulk argue to the judge on whether the court would allow She-Hulk to bring in other clients of Jacobson to corroborate his work. She-Hulk says that it would be necessary to get a better idea of Jacobson’s work. Murdock argues that since Jacobson’s clients are heroes with secret identities, making them come to court to testify could endanger them.

Sokovia Accords Repealed

Murdock then goes on to say that the Sokovia Accords have been repealed. This is a huge statement for die-hard MCU fans.  For those wondering, the Sokovia Accords were introduced in Captain America: Civil War. They were created by the United Nations as an answer to the tragedy that took place when the Scarlet Witch destroyed a building causing many casualties while trying to intercept the villain Crossbones.  The Sokovia Accords stated that all superheroes must register with the government and essentially become government employees. This caused a rift in the Avengers that wasn’t reconciled until the events of Infinity War. The thing is, the Accords have scarcely been referenced since Civil War begging the question: whatever came of them? Shouldn’t the heroes be answering to the government or otherwise be outlaws? Finally, an answer.

Back to Court

The judge sides with Murdock and Jacobson. She-Hulk is impressed with Murdock’s lawyer skills. Patillo whips out his defective suit and tries to appeal to the judge. Murdock takes a whiff of the air and asks Patillo what kind of fuel he used to power the suit. Patillo proudly states that he used jet fuel. Jacobson says that using jet fuels goes against his strict instructions for the suit and the case is promptly dismissed.

Drowning Her Sorrows

Jen sits alone at a bar, wallowing in defeat. The bartender brings her a green appletini, sent over by the blind lawyer, Matt Murdock. Matt joins her and they get acquainted. Matt explains that he has a practice in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of New York. He came to California because he is a client of Jacobson’s and he owed him a favor. Jen finds Murdock to be charming.

Leap-Frog in Trouble

She-Hulk is pulled away from Matt to meet a client, Dennis Bukowski. Bukowski was originally introduced as one of She-Hulk’s suitors, but then reappeared as a client of the practice. But as it turns out, he lured her under false pretenses and only wanted She-Hulk to meet him so he could hit on her. She-Hulk bails and heads home. Once there, she gets a call from Leap-Frog who is being attacked in his car. She-Hulk comes to his rescue at the top of a parking garage. She halts his car where the masked Daredevil was clinging to the roof. Daredevil is donning a new yellow and red suit, different from the all-red we saw on Netflix. This suit is similar in design to the comic book days of Frank Miller. She-Hulk and Daredevil square off. Daredevil impresses her with his agility, but still, She-Hulk makes light work of him. She throws him into a car and thunderclaps him. She unmasks Daredevil to see that he is in fact Matt Murdock. Murdock explains that his powers work like highly sensitive echolocation. Matt then explains that Leap-Frog kidnapped Jacobson.

Super Team Up

She-Hulk and Daredevil go to Leap-Frog’s less-than-conspicuous secret hideout, the Lilly Pad. Daredevil and She-Hulk argue over tactics on how to bring down the 25 goons. Daredevil explains the difference between goons and henchmen. Henchmen believe in the cause, but goons are just in it for the paycheck. Daredevil drops in and tactfully takes out a handful of goons with his billy club. But right as he’s about to get mobbed by five attackers, She-Hulk crashes down and flattens them. The two crash into the main room of the Lilly Pad. She-Hulk frees Jacobson (who agrees to take her back as a client) while Daredevil takes out the rest of the goons. Leap-Frog tries to escape. He jumps through the window only to break his legs and be taken off in an ambulance.  Daredevil and She-Hulk hit it off, sitting under the big neon ‘Lilly Pad’ sign. She-Hulk is deeply attracted to Daredevil and asks when he goes back to New York. When Daredevil says he leaves tomorrow, the two decide to make the most of the time they have.

The Next Morning

As Daredevil does the walk of shame from Jennifer Walters’ apartment, Jen sits in her living room. She addresses the camera, saying that she thinks the episode should be over and that everything ended so nicely. That’s when Jenn’s BFF, Nikki comes in to help her get ready for her Lawyer Awards gala.

At the Gala

She-Hulk, wearing the new Jacobson dress, attends the Southern California Lawyer Awards. She is announced as the Female Lawyer of the Year only to learn that she is one of many. As she addresses the crowd, the large screen behind her is hijacked by the She-Hulk-hating trolls from Intellegencia. They run this video displaying her emails, texts, and dating profile all while calling her an imposter and a slut. She-Hulk hulks out and smashes the screen. The power goes out, the audience runs in fear. She-Hulk chases a dark figure she sees recording. She grips him up outside only to have SWAT point their guns at her outside. She drops the man who runs off and She-Hulk looks around her in the horror of what she has done.

Tune in Next Week

Can’t wait to see what happens on the next She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. We’ll have a full recap of next week’s episode so be sure to check in with us.

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